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Scientists make skin look 30 years younger
enderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolor
20 Apr 2022
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The activities of Shia women in the 4th century Hijri in consolidating and deepening science and culture in Islamic civilization
This research tries to answer the question of what role Shia women of the 4th century of Hijri, which is the golden age of Islam, played in the expansion of the sciences and culture of Islamic civilization with a descriptive and analytical method.
13 Aug 2022
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Investigation and analysis of the references of the Messenger of God (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) to the verses of the Qur'an in historical events
Some of the reports contained in the books of the Prophet's (PBUH) biography have been completed and developed based on the Qur'anic verses. In this way, when the narrators report the Prophet's life, they have tried to report it in accordance with the Qur'an and compile their explanations according to the Qur'anic information in order to complete and develop it.
13 Aug 2022
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Three Shiite jurisprudential theories on the Islamic legitimacy of a political system
Scholars including religious scholars hold differing views on the Islamic legitimacy of a political system.
17 Dec 2022
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Scientists make skin look 30 years younger
enderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolor
20 Apr 2022
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