Syed Qalb e Hussain Shah

16 Jan 2023

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Reprint of the first volume of the "A commentary on the book 'The Juridical Person'"

According to the frequent request of the esteemed students, the first volume of the commentary on the book 'The Juridical Person' has been reprinted and know you can buy it online through the link below in the contemporary jurisprudence online bookstore and get a 20% discount.


The commentary of the book ‘The Juridical Person’ is the result of the teaching of Hujjat al-Islam wa al-Muslimin Qadir Ali Shams, and he himself was one of the professors who played a central role in the compilation of the book ‘The Juridical Person’ along with the eminent professors of contemporary jurisprudence. Therefore, reading this description can have a significant impact on a deeper understanding of the contents.


At the same time, informs that the 9th edition of Al-Fa'iq and the two volumes of Ayatollah Shab Zendeh Dar commentary on Al-Fa'iq are also being printed and can be easily purchased through the online bookstore of contemporary jurisprudence by next week.

tags :

juridical person


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