
29 Jan 2023

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The 9th edition of al-Fāiq has been published

You can now place your order online for the book al-Fāiq fī al-Usūl with a discount and in a new and professional format.

 In order to purchase al-Fāiq and all other books related to ijtihad and specialized sciences (published by) the office of contemporary jurisprudence, click on the link below and follow the office of contemporary jurisprudence bookshop on Eita




In order to uphold fairness in the distribution of books, all books will be dispatched for free to Qum and around the country and there is no difference in the number of books for which an order is placed. 


Winter of 2022 (1401) will be the spring of the seminary! 



Progressively, tens of books will be added to the office of contemporary jurisprudence bookshop. Therefore, you can join our channel (on Eita) from the very present so you do not miss any books from the distinguished works of the (Islamic) science departments.

tags :

Al Fā'iq fī Al Uṣūl


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