
17 Jan 2023

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Reprint of the first volume of ‘Sharḥ al-Shakhṣ al-I’tibārī’ (The Juridical Person)

Given the repetitive request by respected students, the first volume of ‘Sharḥ al-Shakhṣ al-I’tibārī’ has been reprinted and you can now purchase it from the online bookshop of the office of contemporary jurisprudence using the link below and receive 20% discount.




The commentary-based book ‘Al-Shakhṣ al-I’tibārī’ is a product of lessons by Hujjatul Islām wal Muslimīn Qadīr ‘Alī Shams and he is of the teachers who along with the most prominent professors of contemporary jurisprudence had a pivotal role in the compilation of the book ‘al-Shakhṣ al-I’tibārī’. Therefore, a study of this commentary can have a significant impact on a deeper understanding of the contents.


Additonally, please be informed that the ninth edition of ‘al-Fāiq’ and the two volumes of ‘Sharḥ al-Fāiq’ by Āyatullah Shab Zinde Dār is also in the process of publishing and will be availble for purchase by next week via the online bookshop of the office of contemporary jurisprudence.



tags :

juridical person

Al Fā'iq fī Al Uṣūl


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