According to the Hawza News Agency, over the last few days, Introductory courses to Contemporary Jurisprudence, as a new movement in the path of Ijtihādi evolution on the foundations of jurisprudence of the author of Jawāhir ul Kalām, was the point of discussion amongst students and learned of the seminary. The measures which were promised by the Office of Contemporary Jurisprudence of the Islamic Seminaries, by the Grace of Allah have been fulfilled.
The full text of this discussion which took place with Ayatullah A’rāfī, the Head of the Islamic Seminaries, is presented below:
Initially, the Head of the Islamic Seminaries began by expressing his gladness with this great step: From the previous year, it has been requested from the Office of Contemporary Jurisprudence that just as good measures were taken to develop Advanced Level courses in Contemporary Jurisprudence, similarly, measures should be taken for text-oriented courses of Contemporary Jurisprudence. Thus, with co-ordination with different composites of education and technology at the headquarters and High Levels, the trial phase of this phase has begun.
The aim of this task is that the heritage of Contemporary Jurisprudence of the elders of the Islamic Seminary, who were always leading in contemporary issues throughout history, is entered into the education system of the Islamic Seminaries and the respected students as well, prior to entering the advanced level classes of Contemporary Jurisprudence, become familiarized with the jurisprudential texts in contemporary subjects, method of analysis and reasoning in this field.
In continuation, Ayatullah A’rāfī said: ‘In the first step, 19 books in 8 subjects have been selected. It has been endeavoured that works from previous jurists such as Sheikh Ḥussain Ḥillī, Ayatullah Hāshimī Shahrūdī, Ayatullah Mu’min, Ayatullah Khalkhālī, who was one of the judges, is used as well as works from the present-day Respected Mara’je such as Ayatullah Makārem Shirāzī, Subḥānī and Sayed Kāẓim Hāeiri and some exceptional teachers of advanced level courses of contemporary jurisprudence are utilized. These programs will be implemented based on the comprehensive plan and the 5-year plan of the Office of Contemporary Jurisprudence.
At the end, the Head of the Islamic Seminaries said: We are at the onset of this great task and invite all the teachers of the Higher Level and Advanced Level to help with their strong presence in strengthening this intellectual measure and new subjects and books will also be added in the future to these courses.
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