Syed Qalb e Hussain Shah

20 Dec 2022

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Buy the second edition of The Fiqh of Cryptocurrencies online + purchase link

The second edition of The Fiqh of Cryptocurrencies, which is the original course of Ayatollah Sayed Mohammad Reza Modaresi (member of the "jurist member" of the Guardian Council), can be purchased online after a detailed review by the professor.


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The first Ijtihadi book on the topic of Bitcoin rulings

This book is the result of the collaboration of a capable group of professors of cryptography, economics, crypto experts and seminary scholars, which was reviewed and completed in the second edition of the second edition in the external jurisprudence course of Ayatollah Sayed Mohammad Reza Modaresi (member of the “jurist member” of the Guardian Council).

Download the list and the first few pages of the book from the link below.

On the occasion of research week, every two days a book of contemporary jurisprudence books is sold online on this channel and dozens of interested channels so that the dear ones in Qom and other cities can easily benefit from these scientific products.

Quick purchase link on the safe platform of Shoprak (address and full details must be entered. Otherwise, it will not be sent)

Support 8 to 22: 09359646217

tags :

fiqh of cryptocurrencies

fiqh of money

contemporary jurisprudence ijtihadi books

Advanced (Khārij) Lessons in Contemporary Jurisprudence


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