

( 12 )
Economic systems
Monetary Economics in Globalised Financial Markets

Book introduction


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This book integrates the fundamentals of monetary theory, monetary policy theory and financial market theory, providing an accessible and comprehensive introduction to the many-sided interrelations between these fields of research. It provides the reader with the intellectual groundwork indispensable for understanding the workings and interactions of today’s globalised financial markets. The topics addressed in this book include, inter alia, alternative money supply regimes, money demand functions, monetary policy transmission, monetary policy effectiveness and the natural rate of unemployment, monetary political business cycles, and monetary policy strategies. Basic valuation models for stocks, and bonds and asset price linkages across currency areas are covered as well. Illustrated by carefully chosen examples and supported by extensive data analyses, this book is highly recommended to readers who seek an in-depth and up-to-date integrated overview about the ever-expanding theoretical and quantitative fields of monetary and financial economics.

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